There are a lot of video magnifiers on the market: tiny ones, huge ones and everything in between. You could easily find yourself overwhelmed by the number of choices, or even left thinking you might need two, three, or even four devices to do everything you’ll need in a single day. But with the iGoPro, you’ll get the best of all worlds: a high-definition video magnifier, distance viewing, optical character recognition and the unparalleled performance of Apple’s iconic iPad Pro. Best of all, with its folding design and all-day battery, it goes where you go.
The iGoPro provides all the features you’ve come to expect from a top-tier video magnifier. It provides a crisp, ultra-high-definition image with your choice of high contrast viewing modes and color filters. It comes with a distance camera to let you zoom in on objects across the room like projection screens in classrooms or meetings, chalkboards or presenters providing live demonstrations. If you want to zoom in or out, it’s as simple as pinching in or out in the same way you’ve done with touchscreens anywhere else, including with pictures on the iPad itself. For working on a form, you can lock focus to the page under the camera and maintaining a clear view of your writing as you go. And if there’s something you need a closer look at, you can snap a still image and pan or scan across it at higher magnification by swiping across the screen and avoid having to move it under the camera. It also includes optical character recognition that can turn printed documents into text to be read aloud or copied into a document or email in seconds.
But what makes the iGoPro different and will keep it by your side when all those other magnifiers have been put away, is that it’s also Apple’s most powerful tablet computer. Offering the full range of apps available through Apple’s app store and with the industry-leading mobile accessibility of its VoiceOver screen reader, the iGoPro takes everything users of Apple devices have come to know and love and melded it with a magnifier that’s as powerful as it is simple to use. You can even use it with a large-print Bluetooth keyboard when you want to dig into the full potential of apps like Mail, Pages or even Microsoft Office.
The iGoPro is equally at home at work or play. With its bright, vibrant display, colors jump out in brilliant detail. Whether rendering diagrams or illustrations in textbooks, the steps of a cooking video on YouTube, or animations on the most demanding of modern websites, the IGoPro delivers smooth performance. Better yet, it’s capable of sending its picture to a larger display so that when you’re at home or in the office, you can sit back and enjoy the view.
It’s often said that the best tool for the job is the one you have with you at the time. But when you’re trying to fill out a form while holding a “portable” magnifier, you might feel like you’re trying to dice potatoes with a spoon. Now you finally have a solution that remedies this age-old dilemma: a tablet with a simple design and versatile features. The iGoPro is the best tool for the job, because you’ll want to have it with you all the time.
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