Revo2Go-WIN A Complete Solution

Posted by Assistive Technology Today on 8/26/2019
Revo2Go-WIN A Complete Solution
Student's and working professionals today face a myriad of challenges in the classroom and boardroom.   With the Revo Complete, users will get access to a full suite of assistive technology that covers them from skimming the syllabus to sending in the last term paper or seeing the project requirements to finalizing the contracts.

Revo2Go and iGoPro - A Revolution in Magnification

Posted by Assistive Technology Today on 8/15/2019
Revo2Go and iGoPro - A Revolution in Magnification
Not all technological revolutions are created equal. Some innovations just find new and not necessarily better ways of doing things. But sometimes, a technology comes along that has an outsized impact, makes people jump up, take notice and say, “Why didn’t I think of that?” The Revo2Go line of portable video magnifiers does just that, pairing the best available ultra-portable computing solutions with exceptional near and distance magnification tools to redefine what makes for a successful assistive technology device.